experiences that last a lifetime™

With the great success of some of our events we are seeing more and more older or past purchases being entered into the system. This is great, but hold on a second... are you sure?
Is the item in perfect "Like New" condition?
Please remember...
When you want to warranty a new item or Grandfather an older item for a Preferred Warranty,
don't miss the opportunity to really give exceptional service to your guest by
making sure the item is put in warrantable condition first.
Help your customer keep their beautiful keepsake perfect,
just like the day they got it.
If necessary… on an older item, you can charge the customer to get their item in perfect
"Like New" condition and THEN gift them the warranty.
There's a lot of variables with this kind of situation.
If you're not sure, give us a call so we can help you... 888-998-887

When you are ready to register an older item for the Preferred Warranty and the purchase date is 6 months or more earlier than the date of entry, a box will open to prompt you to
verify that the item is in pristine "Like-New" condition.
By VERIFYING you are saying that you will stand behind your choice to put the
Preferred warranty on this item and that you verify that it is in "Like-New" condition.
If you are not able to verify the item, click the small x to close the box...
but, now you will not be able to continue with this product entry.
Ok... now you could just start over and put in today's date
as the purchase date but that really is not going to help you or your customer or the
Preferred Network and could be grounds for dismissal from the Network.
Part of our creed... is following the journey and the story of each of your guests prized possessions. We want to know the true date of purchase and see the exceptional work you've done
to keep their item in perfect condition.
It's always a good idea to follow the "Golden Rule."
Is this item really worthy of this lifetime warranty?
What if the table was turned and you had another retailer’s customer coming into your store for their inspection with an item that was purchased over 15 years ago and
in need of some serious work? Please know that they will be calling Preferred to see how to proceed if the item is not in the proper condition as per your verification.
In other words, you will be responsible for the expense.
So please be careful and make good decisions.
If you're just not sure, always feel free to give us a call so we can help you.
We want to make you the HERO and the SUPER STAR and brand you
as one of the elite members of the Preferred Network that is known for...
Experiences that last a Lifetime™
Here are some more questions you may have:
What if the customer is moving and they don't have time to wait for their item to be repaired and put back in pristine "like-new" condition so it is eligible for the Preferred Warranty?
Again... there could be a lot of variables happening here and we would love to help you make the right decision.
You could direct your guests to their new Preferred Retailer to have their item repaired and registered there.
You could call Preferred Headquarters, so we can be an extension of your customer service and inform the new retailer of their upcoming visit.
You could also call the new retailer directly to work it out with them, so your guests feel the love and experience the trust and assurance of YOU being an elite member of the Preferred Network.
What if a customer goes out of the Preferred Network for work on their item?
Here's another instance where there could be a lot of variables happening. Normally this would void their warranty. That being said, if you feel the work done has not compromised the item's stability, then you can charge them if necessary, for the work needed and then reinstate their warranty by updating them on the Preferred Dashboard.
What if I don't want to do a repair or issue a warranty on an older item?
We will not dictate to you what to put the Warranty on. There is a clause on the warranty brochure that states "Criteria for issuing a warranty may vary by retailer."
If you have a guest come into your store with a warranty on a much older item and you feel the work needed is not what the warranty covers... please call Preferred Headquarters.
If the item is in perfect condition and the warranty is valid but you still don't want to do the maintenance, you always have the option to apply for an RA number and send it in to True Romance for the inspection.
Is there ever an instance when the warranty will be voided?
A warranty can only be deleted or voided if the Retailer who registered the warranty or the customer requests it to be deleted. If a customer calls Preferred Headquarters with this request, we would contact the retailer before voiding or deleting any warranty.
If a warranty has lapsed and the item is need of repair, you then have the option to charge the customer to bring it back into "like-new" condition and then reinstate the warranty by updating it on the Preferred Dashboard. We let you make the decision of whether or not to charge the customer, depending on the circumstances of that particular item, the repairs necessary and the customer situation.
If you are just not sure what to do, you can always call Preferred Headquarters. We are always available to help you with anything you may need. Sometimes the item may need to go back to the manufacturer. We can sometimes assist you with these circumstances as well.
If the guest is only a little bit late and the item is in good condition, you can complete the maintenance and inspection and then update the warranty, so it remains valid and in good standing.
Anytime you update a warranty on the Preferred Dashboard it will then reinstate the warranty and enable the next email reminders to be in place 6 months from the day you enter the inspection update. You and your customer as well as whoever is logged into the Dashboard will receive an email reminder 30 days before and again 14 days before the Inspection Due Date.
What if a customer comes back in way before their inspection due date?
That's GREAT! The more they walk through your doors the better! As we stated before... Anytime you update a warranty on the Preferred Dashboard, it will then reinstate the warranty and enable the next email reminders to be in place 6 months from the day you enter the inspection update.
Has anyone ever been dismissed from the Preferred Network?
Not as of today! In everyone's Membership Agreement there is the Preferred Pledge that everyone signs. Breaking this agreement would be grounds for dismissal from the Network. Everyone who has been chosen to be a Preferred Retailer was selected for very specific reasons.
We are all in this together, to stand out from the rest, as Jewelry retailers that give trust and assurance and superior customer service to their guests.
ONLY a Preferred Jeweler can offer the Preferred FREE Lifetime Nationwide Warranty.
We believe in creating...
Experiences that last a Lifetime™
Preferred Headquarters